Guest Columnist: The PS3 Needs to Be ?Underpriced?


Favourable the latest announcement of the Xbox 360's price drop to $199, there has been a fair number of debate over whether the PS3 inevitably to follow suit and respond with its own price drop. And the arguments basically break down into the following two camps:

  • No, it doesn't need to drop its price: the PS3 computer hardware offers such more than its competition, and the consumers should realize the immense value IT brings to the table at "only" $400.
  • Yes, it should drop the price: The consumers are not going to pay $400+ for a videogame console, especially when they have $199 (360) and $249 (Wii) alternatives.

Here is my take:

On a factual, logical basis, yes, the PS3 is a great spate. The best bang for your clam, so to talk. I personal two PS3s, and I paid $1,100 for my first peerless (at launch, imported), and I don't regret it from an economic perspective (I also own all other systems, incidentall), because it was very apparent that the ironware was more than herculean plenty to warrant such a pricetag (in 2006).

However, that is non the problem here.

Sony is refusing to drop the price because it is insisting on turning a profit on the console today, when information technology should be focussed on doing so finished the console table's sol-called "10-year lifespan". Someplace along the time, Sony has undercut its own strategy and objective by devising the console deserted to the commercialise it is quest to sequester.

And this has had a vicious-cps-effect. Yes, the PS3's biggest weakness is its software lineup (and please don't inclination its holiday card, because it's a tie-up against the 360's; some sides need to admit this and move on already), but IT's also Sony's own fault that it is stuck in this quagmire of weak/delayed titles.

Game developers are not putting, Oregon have not until fresh put, enough effort toward PS3 maturation. And information technology's completely sensible for them (the developers), because Sony has been patronising its potential customers by claiming that they are "also stubborn to see the rate of the PS3" instead of making it easier for them to join the party. And this has created the perception that nobody but the most affluent and holy gamers have PS3s. (Wait, shekels that. IT's not just a perception; it's the realism. But don't tell that to the devs, please.)

Dear Sony. Yes, the PS3 is worthy it. Yes, one time people personal the system, they appreciate their buy. But your potential commercialize obviously can't recite. What you should be doing is solving the perception that the PS3 is overpriced. Instead of limiting the customers to a $499 choice (the bundle), give them a $299 option, even if it is fake.

Rattling, come down from your alight and learn from your competitors.


Case in charge, the Wii is $249, but once you buy all the "requisite" peripherals, you'Re looking at a $400 investment earlier you can savour your Wii. Only people wear't concern. They disco biscuit to a store thinking that they want that $249 machine. Then once they've made that mental decision, it's not backbreaking to squeeze an extra $40 here (brave) and an extra $100 (Wii Fit) there.

Same goes for the 360. People don't know or care that the $199 Core system can't do Xbox Live, and doesn't have a HDD and headset. All they see is $199, and when they depart their homes, they are going to EB Games to buy that $199 system. They assume't care or eff that they need to drop an extra $60 for the hard take, $20 for the headset, $60 for a game, then $50 for Hot. Why? Because the price that gets advertised is $199, and not $380, which is the true cost.

My point? Know your customers. Understand their financial parameters and accommodate to their lack of foresight and research, and show them a $299 pricepoint. WHO cares if they need to spend another $60 to actually start performin a unfit, and that an additive DS3 costs $40?! They don't. Yes, I truly, rattling hate to allege this, but it's time you learned how to Pandar. Because the public is too thickheaded to do the math/research itself.

(I am greatly mortified to consume patronized my potential peers, and I unfeignedly apologize for my bluntness)

Just imagine this. And I'm being middling serious here:

The "PS3 'Meat' Software system"
Price: $299
Enclosed in Package:

  • Standard AV cable (these people don't even own an HD Television receiver anyway!)
  • 20 GB hard drive (let them plain about the HDD size later on they buy the system; and release a Sony-branded 120GB for $60; mass can already add 250GB drives for $100 if they fare it themselves)
  • Unrivaled (1) Sixaxis controller (make them pay for their own Dualshock 3s)

Honestly, some little Sony may lose happening the console, IT'll easily make up if it can turn around and make sure the PS3 can once again be seen as "THE" videogame system to own, thereby solving the sensing issue.

But Sony doesn't get it. Sony doesn't even understand its own 10-year strategy, and it may not make up until IT loses this solace state of war that Sony at last learns it.

Bo "Orakga" Jinn believes everybody is a closet gamer. Just about evenhanded don't realize it.


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